Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wait, that's not snow!

The Flikr Photostream creates a live, updating collection of one's photos. Some people have elected to have their Flikr photo stream (where I got the picture above) listed as Creative Commons Attribution, which means anyone can use that photo in these ways:

  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

So I thought, what if my students create a story of just pictures, all CC attribution, that they take themselves and upload to a common Flikr account? I can embed a feed from that account into my website and we can watch the story unfold. 

The story can then become a writing assignment, which each student telling what s/he thinks the pictures are saying.

Now obviously I would have to be very clear with the students what kinds of pictures are acceptable! And they would need to clear each one with me before uploading to the photostream. They would also have to agree to the CC Attribution. But those considerations aside, we could have a very creative opportunity here!

CC Attribution License:
Sebilden. (2014, February 28). First signs of spring. sebilden's Photostream. Retrieved March 29, 2014, from https://www.flickr.com/photos/sebilden/12837849513/in/photostream/.


  1. Nice picture and post, as well. Are they crocus?

  2. Neat idea to teach about Creative Commons Licensing and how to credit sources, using appropriate content for images, problem solving, and writing/critical thinking! How many standards did you work in?

  3. I too like the idea of using the photographs for writing. Great point about sharing with the kids appropriate and inappropriate photos.

  4. What an engaging way to combine Flickr and RSS feeds to transform learning for students, and for teachers to be able to see the story unfold as it happens!
